Contractor Breakdown
Certified Contractors
In order to perform work within the unincorporated area of Highlands County you will need to complete an application, affix a photograph of the license holder, submit a copy of your state license and supply workers compensation or an exemption.  If anyone other than the license holder will be pulling permits a letter of authorization or power of attorney is needed.  There is a $30.00 Administrative Fee  for  certified contractors to renew there registration cards which expire annually on September 30th

Registered Contractors and Specialties
A letter of reciprocity must be sent directly to us from the county you took the exam in.  A minimum score of 75.0% is required on both the Trade exam and Business Law.  You must complete a registration application, submit a photograph of the qualifier, current liability insurance and worker's compensation or exemption and submit a copy of your state registration. The fee to register is as follows:  General & Building Contractors: $80.00; Contractors addressed under Chapter 489: $55.00; Specialty Contractors $30.00; Journeyman (all categories):  $30.00

Registration cards expire annually on September 30th

Individuals Desiring to become licensed
Must complete an application, submit a photograph, obtain letters of experience and have a Credit Report sent here directly from the credit bureau.  A fee of $25.00 is due at this time and you must attend the Construction Licensing, Enforcement and Appeals Board meeting.  They meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Board of County Commissioners Board Room at 7:00 p.m.  Upon the Board approving your application you will need to pick up a sponsorship form and mail it to Experior*NAI*Block with the appropriate fees.  In addition to the trade exam, you will be required to take Business and Law. (Journeyman are exempt from the Business and Law portion) After passing the exam, the applicant will provide a certificate of insurance for the required coverage, workers compensation policy or exemption and pay the registration fee.  A competency card will then be issued and they must be renewed each year thereafter